Sales Competency Assessment

Benchmark Sales Skills Against What Excellence Looks Like

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Sales Competency Assessment

Benchmark Sales Skills Against
What Excellence Looks Like

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Assess Your Sales Competencies

You can use sales industry benchmarks or your own criteria…

Our sales competency assessment will enable you to benchmark your skills and behaviours against what excellence looks like in your role.

We’ve got several ready-made competency assessments that you can use for various roles. These have been mapped using the National Occupation Standards with input from the Institute of Sales Management.

If you’ve got your own sales competency framework or matrix, then we can load that up to our system and create a completely customised campaign for your sales teams.

We can measure exactly what you need through our 180-degree feedback system where the salesperson and their line manager complete the assessment. Your salespeople will receive a personalised report on the findings which can be used for training needs analysis, appraisals, and performance improvement.

We also offer a Sales Personality Test which instead of measuring competencies, measures mindset, attitude and motivators.

Sample Reports

Sales Manager Sample Report
Sales Manager report
BDM Sample Report
Business Development report

Available Sales Competency Assessments

How Does It Work?

MTD Sales Insight Process

After you have selected which assessment to use you will be sent a unique username and password to log on and to complete the assessment.

There is also the option for your own sales manager/leader/coach to complete the assessment and to provide feedback on your performance as well.

We recommend that you complete the assessment in one sitting but if you are interrupted you can always save it and come back to it later.

After the assessment is complete you will be emailed your feedback report along with a workbook that you can work through to help you interpret the results and to take action on the feedback given.

There is also a workbook for your manager/leader/coach as well to help support you with your Sales Training development needs.

Want to know more?

Please speak to one of our team or use our online form to make an enquiry

Industry Standards

Each assessment is unique and the competencies and skills being assessed have been mapped using National Occupation Standards and input from the Institute of Sales Management (ISM).

NOS logo

The beauty of our assessments is that they are completely customisable so if there are any areas within the assessment that are not applicable then you can request them to be removed!

For example, not all Sales Managers are responsible for recruiting their sales teams so after ordering all you need to do is to tell us not to include that and we will!

Assessment Clients

Here are some of the clients who have used our Sales Testing solutions

Sales Assessments
Sales Assessments

Sales Person Assessments

Use this quick matrix below to see which Sales Assessment most closely fits what you do and what is included within your role.

Sales Person Assessments

Sales Leader Assessments

Sales Leader Assessments

Want to know more?

Please speak to one of our team or use our online form to make an enquiry

Have You Got Any Training Requirements or Questions?

Our L&D and Training Team are here waiting to help you.

Please call us on 0333 320 2883 or click below.

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MTD Sales Training