Written by Sean McPheat |
What do they really want and need when this question, ‘Why should we use you?’ is asked?
Well, they want confirmation and assurance that they are taking less risk going with your company than the solution they are using now.
Or they want to know how the benefits of your solution outweigh the competition.
Or they simply want assurance they are making the best decision.
Whatever the reason, you should go through five steps that will help you answer the question to the complete satisfaction of the customer.
Step 1: Think Like Your Customer Thinks
Why are they asking the question now? Look at what your offer provides from the standpoint of the buyer. Are you reducing their costs? Giving them more options? Increasing their profit opportunities? Giving them more reliability?
How does the buyer see the problem your product solves or the opportunity it opens up?
Then use that in your opening statement.
Step 2: What Sets You Apart?
You could say something like, ‘Our customers use the product to….”. This offers the differential that sets you apart from the competition. If it’s saving money that your product does best, then it sounds like ‘Our customers use the WX453 to save them, on average, over 10% on their annual running costs”.
Step 3: What’s Unique About This?
How does your offering make you stand out from other companies?
This leads you to a solution that will make the buyer think about your company and associate you with the results they will get.
Step 4: Add A Concrete Example That Will Give The Buyer Confidence
You could say ‘For example, we put this machine into a similar-sized business last year and the savings they are reporting are even greater than they had anticipated. I can give you the exact figures if you wish?’
Step 5: Bring All The Steps Together
Put this all together so it sounds like the buyer will lose out if they don’t go with you. You could say, ‘Because our company offers you the peace of mind that goes with a reliable product like this, most of our customers see the benefits straight away. Without this, you may lose profitability and productivity this solution brings.’
These five steps help you to show the buyer the overall benefits the product offers and how your company provides solutions that beat the competition in areas that are important to their business.
Remember to tweak your sales message often to keep up with specific changes in customer demands and ensure you are speaking the language that would persuade them your solution is the best for theirn business.
If you found this article useful, it is likely you’ll like this one too: check out ‘How To Respond To “Call Me Back In 6 Months”
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Happy Selling!
Sean McPheat
Managing Director
MTD Sales Training
Updated on: 17 September, 2015
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