Sales Blog

Your Price SHOULD Be Higher Than Your Competitors

I met a salesperson on one of our Sales Courses who was really upset that his company had raised his product’s prices by over 3%, and hadn’t given him an explanation as to why. It was simply called ‘an inflationary […]

3 Ways Of Asking For The Sale Or Order

  After all the preparation, sales questions, proposals and meetings you’re so close to closing the deal. But there’s one thing stopping you! Asking for the sale… So let us look at a few more direct and clear ways to […]

7 Things Successful Sales People Never Say

What’s interesting about us humans is the fact that, even though we don’t like to admit it, we are judgemental beings. Often, we don’t view ourselves as being judgemental; we consider ourselves to be realists. A situation occurs and we […]

4 Tips To Become An Effective Sales Coach

I will make this short and sweet. Add these four golden rules to your daily management style and you will be a more effective sales coach. Depending on what you do, and your business structure, some of these may not apply […]

How To Build Value In A Sales Presentation

Increase the value, or the perceived value of what you sell, and you will make more sales! Something we always say during our Sales Training. You have to have ways to raise the value of your product or service. By […]

7 Key Phrases That Will Spark Your Sales Interactions

Salespeople are great conversationalists. That is, they find it easy to discuss opportunities and possibilities with prospects, listening to their needs and wants, and working with them to deliver great products and services. But once in a while, you need […]

When Planning Your Sales Presentation You Must…

We’ve never been so time-poor. With everything inside and outside of our control exerting pressure on us to deliver, it’s not surprising that many things that should be done miss their deadline. One of those things that often goes by […]

4 Simple Steps To Build A Strong & Loyal Customer Base

Most of us would agree that it costs considerably more to get a new customer than to maintain a loyal one. So, it follows that customer retention must be a major component of an effective marketing strategy and that’s especially […]

How To Critique A Sales Meeting

  Do you move from one sales meeting to the next without conducting a full review on how the last one went? If the answer is yes, then chances are that you’re leaving a lot of money on the table. […]

5 Ways To Guarantee A ‘Yes’ From The Decision Maker

The title of this blog a bold statement. But we have experienced many meetings with decision-makers where these ways have proved successful. I’m going to share them with you in this article. How many times have you thought that a […]

Don’t Interrogate Your Prospect, Use This Approach…

Many buyers have told us in the past that the one thing they hate when with salespeople is being sold to. That seems odd, when you think the reason they are there is to sell their products! But what they […]

17 Sales Tips A Buyer Would Give You If You Would Listen

  Many salespeople who attend our Sales Training regularly ask us: How do I overcome price objections? What should I do with someone who ignores my emails? These questions and countless others often show salespeople are looking at sales from […]

33 Sales Tips & Techniques

Here are 33 sales tips and techniques that I believe will help every salesperson to improve their overall sales figures and create more motivation and drive. Take a look and let me know what your favourites are, and what other […]

How To Increase Sales Value In Your Client’s Eyes

How many times do your clients talk about you reducing your prices? What do you say when the issue of price is brought up by the prospect? In which direction do you take the conversation when price is the biggest […]

Understanding Prospective Buyers

  If only everyone was the same, it would make selling a lot easier. Just imagine if you could predict how they buy, their behaviour and their next move. We’d all have smiles on our faces as we went into […]

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MTD Sales Training