Planning & Mindset

5 Steps To Nail A Sales Interview

  Looking for sales interview tips? You’re in the right place! Sales interviews are often a nerve-wracking prospect, especially if it’s a job you’d really love! Don’t be daunted by the prospect, as a salesperson you’re in the perfect position […]

How To Change The Way You Think About Failure In Sales

In sales, a lot can depend on the outcome and results of our efforts. If we succeed or progress with the sale, we tend to increase our motivation, improve our self-esteem and build our credibility. If we lose a sale […]

6 Questions To Ensure You Build Sales Value

You know well how customer don’t buy on price alone. The risk that is taken when they buy the cheapest option is sometimes too great and so other components are taken into account when decisions are made. We often say […]

How To Go From Salesperson To Sales Consultant

You will be aware of the changing nature of sales, driven by the ever-evolving requirements of businesses and their decision-makers. The old way of selling (cold-call, qualify, present, resolve, close) is being superseded by the consultative and insightful approach of […]

How To Turn Failure Into Success In Sales

Let me say something that, on the face of it, may sound puzzling. You learn more when things are going badly than when they are going well. Go on, admit it…that’s an interesting statement (even if you don’t agree with […]

Make Your Brand Stand Out Against The Competition

Brand is often described as ‘a variety of something distinguished by some distinctive characteristic’. Apple’s brand, for instance, is characterised by the statement ‘Think Different’. It creates a label in people’s mind that attracts them and builds trust in the […]

The Customer Asks, “Why Should We Use You?”

So, you’ve got to the part of the conversation where the customer asks the £64,000 question, hence indicating they are interested but haven’t yet been persuaded to think seriously about your solution. What do they really want and need when […]

4 Steps To Become More ‘Sales Savvy’

Being sales savvy is to have the business acumen, practical knowledge and active ability to carry out your sales job effectively and efficiently. Most salespeople would mark themselves fairly high when asked if they are savvy when it comes to […]

Be A First Rate Version Of Yourself

I remember years and years ago being on a sales training course where we were learning sales coaching skills. The facilitator was coaching someone to use a golf putter when they had never played golf in their life. It was […]

Positioning Yourself As A Sales Professional

Your brand is what goes before you. Everything you do reflects on that brand. Your image can be enhanced or stained depending on what you do or say to or with prospects. Branding is a professional statement of what your […]

How To Use The Sales Value Equation

You’ve spent years perfecting your craft and learning everything there is to know about what you sell and the competition. However, you have to be careful not to allow that knowledge to flow too swiftly. The Instant Response Of course, […]

How To Earn A PhD In Sales

Most sales people have aspirations of being the best in their field. Most have a desire to excel beyond their peers and rise to the top of their industry. One of the most frequent questions I get is, “How do […]

NEVER Reveal The Price Until You’ve Built Value

You know the age-old Golden Rule—“Do not reveal the price until the end.” Even if you are new to sales, management has told you that you have to wait until the closing stages before you tell the prospect the price. […]

You And The Prospect Are On The Same Side

It is imperative in today’s marketplace and dealing with the modern-day buyer, to understand the true nature of your job as a professional sales person.  Your job is to help; to be of assistance, to serve. However, too many sales […]

6 Steps To Creating Your Personal Commercial

Commercials are the lifeblood for any company. A commercial can be anything that advertises its benefits to the final customer, and can come in many formats. How you feel about them will determine how successful that commercial campaign is. You […]

MTD Sales Training