General Sales Skills

How To Critique A Sales Meeting

  Do you move from one sales meeting to the next without conducting a full review on how the last one went? If the answer is yes, then chances are that you’re leaving a lot of money on the table. […]

17 Sales Tips A Buyer Would Give You If You Would Listen

  Many salespeople who attend our Sales Training regularly ask us: How do I overcome price objections? What should I do with someone who ignores my emails? These questions and countless others often show salespeople are looking at sales from […]

33 Sales Tips & Techniques

Here are 33 sales tips and techniques that I believe will help every salesperson to improve their overall sales figures and create more motivation and drive. Take a look and let me know what your favourites are, and what other […]

Understanding Prospective Buyers

  If only everyone was the same, it would make selling a lot easier. Just imagine if you could predict how they buy, their behaviour and their next move. We’d all have smiles on our faces as we went into […]

5 Funny YouTube Sales Videos To Make You Laugh

Are you looking for a sales video funny? Whether it’s for a Sales Training session or maybe a sales meeting that you’re running it’s always good to lighten the load! So I’ve hunted high and low and found 5 of […]

How To Nurture & Build Client Relationships

Looking to understand how to build client relationships and to grasp the importance of building client relationships? Building strong client relationships is essential for sustained business success. Effective communication, trust, and mutual respect are the cornerstones of any prosperous client […]

Too Much To Do? How To Handle Being Overwhelmed

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the number of telesales calls to make, prospecting to do, admin to catch up on, proposals to complete? Join the club! There are many people out there who are in despair, not knowing what to […]

Nailing Logic v Emotion In Sales

  Scientists tell us that humans have more than one brain. Some people you know may disprove that rule (only half a brain?!) but the truth is that everyone has three parts to their brain: firstly, there’s the reptilian brain, […]

How To Become A More Assertive Salesperson

  One definition of assertiveness is being confident and direct in dealing with others. Assertive people know what they want and aren’t afraid to ask for it. They also respect the feelings and needs of others and are prepared to […]

6 Sales Opening Statement Examples To Use

Last time, we discussed how your ‘elevator speech’ could be full of mistakes and not do what it’s supposed to do, i.e. open your conversation effectively with a prospect. We covered six of those mistakes and why they shouldn’t be […]

The 3 Main Components That Drive Customer Loyalty

Most companies agree that loyal customers are the lifeblood of their business. Clients who return continuously to restock or re-purchase make it easy for companies to provide service and back-up because the effort needed to ensure satisfaction is minimal. But […]

The ABC of Selling

  You might think that this article is about the famous line: Always Be Closing! It isn’t. It’s about something completely different and in my opinion will be much more valuable to you than those hard selling words of the […]

5 Keys To Become Your Customer’s Trusted Partner

If you aim to become your customer’s trusted partner, you should focus on making the purchase and use of your products both easy and profitable. This is fundamentally why people choose to buy products—to simplify their lives or enhance their […]

6 Main Components That Create Sales Excellence

Excellence is a word that is bandied about so much these days that it can often lose its meaning or its differentiation. The dictionary defines it as ‘being exceptional, being superior in some way, achieving extreme merit, pre-eminence or distinction’. […]

The 3 Main Traits Of Bad Salespeople

  We often conjecture at what great salespeople do to create the status of being ‘great’. Attend one of our Advanced Sales Training programmes and you’ll find out! If, however, we were to study those people who are not so […]