During the sales process most people will raise objections. Sales objections are raised for many reasons including: A misunderstanding of something you have said The prospect may feel pressurised into deciding They are not convinced about your claims They […]
One of the reasons so many sales people have trouble committing to after sales service and follow up is because they cannot see the return on their investment. Many people feel that once the sale is closed and the […]
Some interesting studies by Dartnell Research estimated that prospects and customers do not verbalise their problems and concerns in around 80% of conversations. This means that you as the salesperson may not be able to ascertain the real challenges the […]
The ability to ask probing sales questions will ultimately determine how successful you are in your sales career. Almost everything in your sales role focuses around asking quality questions and it’s a topic we take very seriously and cover […]
Sit back and just imagine for a moment just how easier your role as a salesperson would be if you could ask for the sale and they said yes every time on the first meeting. Hello! Come back to reality […]
Referrals are like gold! They are much more powerful than all of the leads created through telesales, social or the web. 83% Of Satisfied Customers Are Willing To Refer 83% Of Satisfied Customers Are Willing To Refer < 29% Of […]
Closing the sale is not a skill that can be learned in isolation from the rest of the sales process. Closing is one element in a chain of events that begins with the salesperson planning and preparing for sales […]
Have you ever wondered just how good your selling skills actually are? Maybe the only way in the past to determine this is to review your commission or sales figures! But seriously, when was the last time you sat down […]
I still receive numerous questions regarding what to say, or how to transition from the sales presentation to asking for the sale. Questions on WHEN to begin to close as well as exactly HOW to start the closing process. […]
We often ask salespeople on our Selling Skills Training to discuss the most important aspect of sales, and many consider the sales processes that they follow as the most important aspect that will keep the sales and commissions rolling […]
The difference between cross-selling and upselling is quite subtle. Both are different types of selling in their own right and offer different opportunities for increasing your margins and sales at the point of sale. Chances are that you’ve already […]
Building goodwill in business is a pre-requisite for companies to advance in their strategic forward planning. The British Department Store, John Lewis, is renowned for its quality customer service and its build-up of goodwill. Here’s what one of their […]
Selling to businesses is an ever-changing kaleidoscope of ideas, techniques and co-operations to keep your sales funnel full! It can enhance or destroy careers in a very short time period. If you’re still selling in the same way you […]
Emotional Selling Proposition – have you got one? We all know that sales are based mostly on emotion and the decision is backed up with logic. Sales logic vs emotion – that’s the law of the salesperson. So, do we […]
One feature of modern, relationship-selling is that we need to understand about peoples’ preferred buying behaviour if we are to sell to more of them. It is a fact that people buy differently. They can be known as buyer types. […]