General Sales Skills

60 Funny Sales Memes To Keep Your Sales Team Going

  You work in sales, so you need a sense of humour, right? I’ve lost count of the number of funny sales memes I’ve sent my sales team over the years. They lighten the load in what is normally a […]

What Is A Sales Process And How To Improve It

  Sales is a complicated, never-ending process of building relationships with prospects, building trust, asking probing sales questions, lots of listening and moving the whole procedure through to the commitment stage and ultimately asking for the sale or order. Your […]

Coffee’s For Closers Speech

  You might be thinking where the term ‘coffee is for closers’ comes from? I think we’ve all watched those sales movies that either act as a lesson or a warning when it comes to sales and business in general. […]

You STILL Need To Sell The Sizzle, Not The Steak

We’ve all heard the adage, sell the sizzle, not the steak. However, I often wonder if some salespeople truly understand the concept. Let’s look at what sell the sizzle, not the steak means and how you can apply it to […]

Why Is Body Language Important In Sales?

  This blog post has a dual purpose. Not only will it help you in making sure that your own body language is on point, but it will also help you to read the body language of your prospects and […]

The 10 Best Sales Movies You MUST Watch

  Did you know that exploring the best sales movies and best sales films in your interactions, offers not only entertainment but also valuable lessons in persuasion and strategy? We’re big film fans in the office and any new salesperson […]

What Is The Solution Selling Methodology?

  The solution selling methodology is just one type of selling. There are many others! So, what is it and how can you do it? Definition Of Solutions Based Selling In answer, let me start with the word itself. Merriam-Webster […]

How To Get Out Of A Sales Slump

  We hear the term “Sales Slump” all the time on our Sales Training Courses. Salespeople rock up to our courses either to improve their skills or because they are in trouble with their sales figures. What’s your definition of […]

How To Overcome The 10 Hardest Sales Objections

  During the sales process most people will raise objections. Sales objections are raised for many reasons including: A misunderstanding of something you have said The prospect may feel pressurised into deciding They are not convinced about your claims They […]

Post Sales Follow Up & Managing The Account

  One of the reasons so many sales people have trouble committing to after sales service and follow up is because they cannot see the return on their investment. Many people feel that once the sale is closed and the […]

Using Sales Questions To Unearth The Real Issues

Some interesting studies by Dartnell Research estimated that prospects and customers do not verbalise their problems and concerns in around 80% of conversations. This means that you as the salesperson may not be able to ascertain the real challenges the […]

450 Probing Questions for Sales (Open and Closed)

  The ability to ask probing sales questions will ultimately determine how successful you are in your sales career. Almost everything in your sales role focuses around asking quality questions and it’s a topic we take very seriously and cover […]

Sales Follow Up Statistics You Need To Know

Sit back and just imagine for a moment just how easier your role as a salesperson would be if you could ask for the sale and they said yes every time on the first meeting. Hello! Come back to reality […]

Examples & Phrases When Asking For Referrals

Referrals are like gold! They are much more powerful than all of the leads created through telesales, social or the web. 83% Of Satisfied Customers Are Willing To Refer 83% Of Satisfied Customers Are Willing To Refer < 29% Of […]